Video 48
Bhagavatam - 3.6.10 - ( Book 3, Chapter 6 verse 10)
number three so we are reading that part now the diversification of the limbs of the Virat or viratam is this gross expensive universe how it is Diversified and how its leaves and parts have been organized and controlled and ruled so The Temper starts saying actually let me see one or two parts Ali eight verses this viratu or the cosmic being is the soul of everything he is a part of brahmana and his first incarnation so the bidad this birator this this is the birata virata bishop and ishara and categorically in a cosmic reality individually it is individually in the vedantic tell me to said I I you are called the bishwa visa and all of us together what is this whole universe is called birata this is virata when you go to the subtle level it's called individually and in the cosmic level it is called what is called the hiran nagarma and when you go to the causal level we go in the Deep Sleep state that is called the causal level that um prago there is the technical term called pragma and in the cosmic level it is called the ishwara so that means the same thing gets manifested in a gross level and gets different names ishwara coming to tahiran nagarwa nagar to birata and individually as we are now you are called bishwa when you dream you are in the state of when you go to the causal body level in the deep sleep platma so in the whole universe suppose as it happens imagine for yourself as we are awake now so we are in the state called biswa where the whole universe is called all biswas added it's called birat or technical term now when you go to dream telling dream you have also have an existence and you see in the realities there similarly in a subtle level whole Cosmic Universe birato comes from subtle that's called the hiran nagarva are individually we are in Teja means light that's why there is light there is no external light now we need this light to see deep dark night we cannot see anything but in dream there is no external light but we see so many things that's called tejasa and in the cosmic level it is called the hirana garma hiranya means gold means in its source in his in his own is that here and that he falls in light like dream in the dream as there is an external light so all the you go to the inner level in Cosmic level then it becomes that if I didn't lie which is has its own origin inside and go another step high when you go to sleep that's the most blissful step stage of creation we feel most joy we don't die but we are there that is called the pragma when almost we are there almost where we are ignorant because we do not know anything that time but we are in joy similarly when the whole universe moves towards the subtle level there it is called the hiranya ishwara that is the state and all these come from Brahman so now that is said birata this Virat or Cosmic being is the soul of everything that means you me the entire human being the small the animal world plan towards these that whatever we see in the gross is a part of that virata and that is the soul of everything because we are a part of it and it's a part of Brahman paramatma is a part of paramatma and his first incarnation so it is it is actually this whole birati is a part of that Brahman because he's a Brahman coming to one step down called the foreign just imagine three level Brahman making bifurcation into two individual and Cosmic Cosmic level individual level Cosmic level is one step down myself yourself and it is Cosmic level also you just added it's called hiran nagarma one step down I am called put money individual soul foreign that means what we see is nothing but Brahman appearing as the virata the spiritual has three aspects is in association with the senses interviews his association with the gods and goddesses an association of the body so this mirrato this this this thing this gross Universe has three aspects of association with ngos it gets identified with the senses let's say the functionality continues if the idea sell this and in association with the the senses are controlled by some gods and goddesses it is and the association of the body the physical body so the schools universe is connected in three ways one is with the senses that's why we see the external universe is one in association with the deities because they are all senses can function because there is some Divine principle behind it that's called the deities or gods and goddesses and in the association with the body in association with The Prana he functions as 10. so now when the function of The Prana in in the heart he function as one in the heart refunctions as one and in manifested as a Prana this brown energy and it is in the subtle body you know it is called the connected with the senses senses are connected with their presiding deity this is type of explaining the creation Theory according to this text now 10 password we start says remembering the prayer of the various categories and their deities who are being allotted places of functions he activated the virata for the accomplishment of this so he means the God he put energy into it to discreted this universe ishara ishara create is different gods and goddesses deities and then he gave responsibility you look after this department you look after that department you look after the eye department you look up the year Department you look up the smell department so Hindus have so many gods and goddesses because of that because everything should be controlled by some Divine entities so England would be the only form of all the hens the universe yeah that they will read according to this all the verses are interested Ah that's the idea ultimately there is somebody you know some controlling agency every in as I said that in a small suppose in a small home to manage everything perfectly you distribute some responsibility you know they will cook I will do the dishes he will go for shopping I will do this I will clean the room I'll go for calling people so everything is discreet you know so how the big function of the world is going on so there is a question how is going on therefore comes the question of there must be some conscious entity functioning behind this gross material world and what that is the instant Hindu idea that everything is controlled by some Divine agency and each have their own separate other ways it will be missed mesh when it is called good organized work and disorganized work we say what is disorganized no one is assigned to anything no one doesn't know what to do people are doing wrong like that's right like a madman's display which when it is organized then you do you do this and you are in charge of the department you know you are in charge of cooking you are in charge of shopping you are in charge of communication with others you are in charge of the internet you are in charge of this every so there is somebody in the functional functional universe so in the whole planet Earth Sun Moon Stars galaxies everything is good going on and everything is controlled everything in its own principle there is a principle in the world so that's why it is said it is the deities Gods the conscious entities Divine entities in a subtle level they live and they regulate everything so remembering the prayer of the various categories and their deities for being allotted for being allotted places and functions he activated the birato for the accomplishment of this when he thought like this appropriate locations for these deities become available hear from me about them how it happened the first to develop when viratu thought in this Wise Way was the mouth the first to develop When the birata Thought in his in this wise was the mouth the mouth which become the residence of the Guardian duty of the quarters mouth you say something you know express yourself so that is the deity of the quarters that is fire Agni along with the power the organ of speech so organ of speech came and the mouth came the first development of the birator through the mouth with that mouth the capability of speech is produced in the region of the palate that was formed in the birato buruna which is power of tongue took his place so these are names of gods buruno is one God bharuna is God of rain so the tongue is always but quarterly watery yeah ocean there's water you know so say water water is here is water that's okay so that's why it said you know and um with that mouth the capability of speech is produced in the region of the palate that was formed in the birata which is power of tongue to his position with the tongue people no test in the region of the nose that was formed in the virata Capital news they have given in the region of the nose Capital that was formed in the birato in the cosmic big nose we are all part of that nose all the individual knows he's the big nose the ashwins they are called Ashira or srini kumars Ashwin along with their power of smell took place so when the tongue people know the test in the region of nose that was formed in the birata in the cosmic their strings that is the name of the god Ashwin along with their power of smell Capital smell took their place with the nose then smell that's why we feel smell we feel that you feel the smell of fragrance to the nose in the region of the eye capital i that was formed in the birata in the in the cosmic was that big eye did that was performed in liberato the Sun the ruler of this region which is power of sight took his place so it's called the I who is I God of I is the son of the urgent with the eye forms as our forms are perceived I see different form s are there so it is connected with the sun the sun is the gods of the eyes see according to them the nose Okay by big nose with this uh it is by the ocean Austin's baruna the power of the tongue so boruna God for the tongue and it's part to speak so first that's why you please if you can please then your tongue will be always healthy that means tongue doctor smell doctor nose doctor so they are all but they're the control and the doctor may cure or not cure but they he's the boss of that he's the god deity controlling all the nose all the tongue like that do you get anything out of it yeah because our eyes are seeing they are saying this eyes are created and it's controller is also created sun is the controller because I have bearing connection with the Sun and also Sun gives us two eyes gives us to see the form different symbolic if someone believes how many people believe that but it is according to bhagavati that is the way of God created absolute God created this that's Diversified creation and also made it very organized it's not it is no it is a plan of creation but that discretion of whimsical is very well planned in the region of I that was formed in the birato the Sun the ruler of the region with the power of sight took his place with eye forms are pursuit in the organ of skin the skin that was formed in the birator yeah the ruler of that region which is power of touch so air air god so this is connection with the touch he took his place spreading all over the body that's why you can feel heat cold and touch of the air with the organ skin all feel touched we feel touched by organs of skin so skin is the it is God God of air in the region of the Year formed in the virata dick the deities east west north south is that up there Abode along with their power of hearing so that's why sound comes from all the directions in the organ of skin formed in the Virat plants in the form of hair took their place from that itching is experienced in the region of reproductive system that formed in the virata prajapati which is power of copulation took his place with that sex enjoyment is had when there is rectum was formed in the virata Mitra is the garden who holds sway over the world took his place there which is power of excretion located in the anus with that the function of the excretion is performed when hands were found in the birator Indra who holds sway over the heavens took his place in them along with his power of dexterity with that all on their livelihood so hands were created like that virata in Indra is the god of that just you are talking about indoor here they are mentioning that Indra when the hands are formed in the birata then this Indra the god Indra who holds sway over the heavens actually took his place in them along with his power of dexterity with that all are their livelihood with the hand they work and they'll earn their livelihood say animal or human will matters little everyone walk to the hand to eat food and survive so hence God is birar Indra when Lakes were formed in the birato this is called the bishnu Lord Vishnu narayana Vishnu who rules the world took his place there along with his power of walking with that all go to their Destinies therefore leg was who is the lake God of Lake the god of leg is Vishnu and the Lord Vishnu who rules the words to his place there along with the deceased power of walking that's why all the power of walking came you can walk in the feet so who is the god of feet all the feet it is called the Vishnu the narayana when the heart was formed in the birator the moon which is power of Mind took his place in it that's why your mind is very much connected with the Moon with the emotions are connected with the Moon with that all fill and imagine when the eye sense must form in the birator rudra which is Power of Will to do took his place there should draw when the ice and ego sense came that was formed by birato the rudra the power of the will to do rudra has the power God rudra it is another name of Lord Shiva has the power will to do something the power tool to do to his place with that all apart from egocent attack but that's why we all work okay I do I have done that become very natural because I is the behind that when intellect was found in the birato Brahma took his place Brahma become the intellect controller of all the intellect our intellects buddhi is there according to this is the Brahma power of rational thinking with that all gained knowledge now the head of the birato is the heaven now the virata we are sinking this birata as if it is considered like a human being his leg imagine that is the lake that is the head that is the middle part of the body so he says 26 verses the head of the birato is the heaven the peat constitute the Earth and the navel in the middle region it is in these that all beings were born in trigunas divinities or Divine Divine beings main animal and birds because of the excess of satta quality some are divas they are in inhabiting in the heaven men those who have both rajas quality and government with rajas dominant and other Christians associated with them live on the earth so in this earth who lives men and other other animals or a thief who have the little rajasek quality such equality they are all gods divinities men animal and birds so when it is because of the excess of satta some are gods inhabiting in the heaven but men with the rajas dominate we are all the humans we are because of our dominant rajas quality we are here and other creatures associated with them live on the Earth planet because of the dominant of the Thomas quality the bhutas Buddhas means the earth water air fire all this brutal forming the attendance of the rudra occupy the region between the Earth and the heaven forming the birata purusha's naval region foreign a power of the Lord accept you protects all from the thieves and other evil doers from ties of the virata also arose Agriculture and other Industries which bring prosperity in this world who generates wealth for the good of all also arose from his thighs the occupation called service arose from the feet of the Lord for our accomplishment of the Dharma from his feet also arrows the sudra by whose duty of service hurry is much pleased he from he from whom all the burners in the society they are all coming from God's different powers from his he from whom all the burners thus originated each with its special Duty that Supreme Being srihori the Lord their father and teachers do they all worship with their duties performed with faith and devotion for their self-purification who can even conceive the idea not to speak of accomplishing it of describing this Cosmic form of the Lord brought into existence by the power of His mysterious Maya which includes the efficiencies of time Karma and Nation if we are not in need we don't need this all these details which is the god of war and how the creation has been done this is two details and in each scripture will describe it differently so it is not an absolute as Brahman is absolute all the time you read Brahman Brahman is an absolute Timeless spaceless causeless beginning less endless these are characteristic but these gods and goddesses this creation is a complicated idea each scripture will describe in a different way ultimately this creation is not there actually the creation is not there so we see it because we are engaged into this duality so in The Duality venices my last night you saw a tiger in your dream how the tiger was unusually 100 feet long you cannot you cannot find any rational meaning now say it was a dream one word finished in dream tiger may be 20 feet 10 feet or 100 feet these are all because my mental imagination no truth is beyond mind so that vedant ultimate is true but still people are interested by hand enjoys the God my eyes sun is to God that means these are different ideas how this system of creation came as I said it is not haphazard created by a lunatic person but the discretion has a system and that system people try to explain when you are in the dream you try to explain after coming back from the dream many people spend hours and days and time in dream study and they want to know why it is that how it has happened is it going it is a true or not true this is not our business but still those who are interested to know about creation according to bhagavat yeah it is mentioned and a deep dream very beginning they may see but they see something different even in in that in the dream state also they are Consciousness remain this reality is false don't compare that after Brahma and what you see will be real real means we are thinking I saw last night I was a king I'll be a king here no someone thought that I got a lottery and I usually won million dollars in the dream so when I woke up I'll be a millionaire millionaire there is no this world according to vedanta is all appearance right but it is with the knowledge it will vanish what will remain that Consciousness remain that absolute Joy sachidananda will remain so that is the ultimate so the creation theory is always so much complicated uh it is just we are explaining us the sages are trying to explain us explain to us and to make some sense of it even though it'd be so in order to purify my speech rendering impure by talking about worldly matters I shall speak on the Glory's experience of the Lord according to my capacity and according to what I have learned so that's why he is after telling all this creation theory different gods and goddesses and these functions one is looking after the feet Master controller of the feet all the fits in the whole world all the eyes in the world all the five sense organs no each sense organ controlled by some deity and they are controlled by coming from viratu is coming from the hiran nagar go to ishara from Brahman so brahman's Maori percolating like this so but she says this is the important point for devotee even though it be so okay this has created by gods and goddesses the gods and goddesses are controlling different sense organs okay they may be whatever may be but our purpose is what he said my in order to purify my speech I talk vulgar day and night tongue we talk about mundane things all this useless worthless things of the world how many times we talk about God how many this tongue repeats the God's name how who is thinking about that no one thinks it is good those who do that they may get benefit but 99.9 percent people never think of that we I never thought that my hand is by God but but you may think it is one God of course vedanta student everything is happening we say by God's will see no that means we are using not we are avoiding the intermittent gods and goddesses vedanta teaching us go back to the boss top boss not to work with the intermittent boss but those who think my hand is not my hand my work is not my work it is the deity of the hand my species not my speech good on bad it is the speech coming from the boss who tongue God no so if you then then you are free then you are from beginning then there is no problem for you what is the problem for we people who talk idiotic talks all the time mundane thinking Monday and talking so he says because my tongue talks mundane things therefore I am to in order to purify my speech this speech rendering imp rendered impure by talking about worldly matter day and night talking about worldly matter I shall speak on the Glorious glorious Excellence of the Lord according to my capacity and according to what I have learned so saying so so much of description of the creation birato we are a part of birato however all the five sense organs are working how the physical body who is the boss of every organ etc etc he says that but my point is that my speech I talk all nonsense talk to purify that I have done that mean ignorance now I want to purify myself therefore how it will be purified I talk about God when incarnated as Krishna and his Divine Play if you can't think of ramakrishna and his Divine Play how he lived how he walked how he's playing so talk about that so that's what will happen it will generate the Divine awareness of Sri ramakrishna no so that will purify the mind when I was wondering what else number one at one point they say that think about God needs to make it public and saying that if in public we speak maybe Monday but it is healing like expressing love among each other that is good that is much better than talking about one there is love it will reinforce here in humanity so that's a very healing which I am experiencing in history because I start talking about God is different God means not speciousness God is our species God is truth God is love God is blessings in that sense but another higher state is that ramakrishna look at that state is such that he cannot talk of other things wherever he is going to see 90 percent 99 percent of the Gospel you find that he's talking about God that is another state but for us yes instead of criticizing someone instead of seeing the bad things in other and talking about day and night about that you talk about the love you talk about friendship you talk about faith and so that's good but much better is directly talking about all the time the in God's incarnations the holy peoples their life their teachings Their Blessings their actions that do that wise men say that the only advantage of that man derives from his power of speech is that he can utilize it for describing the glories of the supremely Holy being and that his gained in having years is that they can be dedicated to the hearing of the Glorious accounts about God him sung and narrated by Pious devotees and Scholar he is bringing back to real spiritual aspect of our purpose of the tongue purpose of the year purpose of the year is to hear what to hear only as he said the holy being and the year the years is that they can be dedicated to the hearing this year can be dedicated you go to the your company what you call the see the news of the word no that's also so much excitement going on every second in the whole world you know you can engage your ear to hear all those things also you can engage yourself to hear some spiritual talk something music which is inspiring you towards God so it is that is the purpose years have been created according to Bhagavad that is the conclusion this verse number 36 is saying that [Music] mahu foreign foreign [Music] message of the Lord and his glories the ears are meant to hear that tongue is meant it is better utilization you can utilize in whatever way you have a one gun you can utilize for the protection of yourself and other honest people many people in difficulty but you can use the same gun to kill someone no so it is your use how you use it is better used to hear the use the year for hearing about the glories of God which will purify sanctify the heart [Music] it is much better than confused really about spirituality rather than talking about mundane thing day and night compare this bad or true yeah it may create confusion yeah I think that better spiritual spiritual conflict is a step and then after that he will say confused by God's grace because he's seeking for truth someone will come in Life or he will understand and get to a proper teacher and learn first one person have to have little love for spirituality maybe he's misdirected in spiritual life because his mind is not clearly understanding the truth and also as you said really now internet is good but internet is also creating trouble you are right many people listen one lecture from one Swami another lecture from another Sami they are speaking from different angles not understanding that you take this and that and get a confusion in your mind and we get so many letters by that way that I heard this I heard this what is this what is that and reading little bit of Buddhism little bit of all other different things what happened we make it confused true but the sincerity of the person is that he's searching for something to get the truth truth will ultimately it's gone through confusion we go beyond confusion but worldly thing day and night talking what you get is you become a worldly person and one day wealthy person will turn into no I have enough worldly thought let me think of God then he will go to the next day we'll go to one person one person will say today oh he says very good then he says here another oh he tells much better thing so you've gone shopping spiritual Subs why going so many things then get confused then cry and weep or God to God who is inside gradual development is there and our point is we are not babies we need nothing to consider all these points we are all devotees our our purpose should be to talk about God to hear about the glory is about simple formula this part of all the world problems we are not to solve the world problem but problem solve your own problem what is your problem and why you are suffering because we are hearing worldly talk and you are encouraging in any a relishing Diwali things but it cannot do that ramakrishna said when the mind will be little purified you will not release those things you'll just run away could not tolerate those things he's the highest example but that is the sign in one will develop how you release it however you are disgruntled you don't like it don't care for it we are not babies in spiritual life so we are leading 20 30 40 years spiritual life so we should be matured like that we are not shopping for spirituality today to Buddhism tomorrow too and Hinduism not Buddhism forget that in this how many channels are there how many ways are there vaishnava we sucked away and [Music] non-qualified non-dualistic way so how many how many paths are there but that is the way probably the maturity comes God knows but uh for us it is to so he is saying it is it is it is the statement he had given clearly that wise AJ he's saying wise men say it is not a fools are talking about wise men say what they say that the only advantage that man derives only Advantage man derives from his power of speech is that he can utilize it for describing the glories of the Supreme the holy being that means god or holy people we read the lives of the Saints how much inspiration we get when you read the lives of any saint in the world their life you get inspired so you read that someone reading for you you listen to that that is Meaningful purposeful for the wise people if we don't want to be wise okay then there is no question of why to read this book speech is that he can utilize it but describing the growth the tongue utilizing for the Supreme the holy being and that he gains in having ears years have been given is that they can be dedicated to the hearing of the Glorious accounts of God sung and narrated by Pious devotees and Scholars so either we see so many songs are there which can create excitement in the worldly sense and that can soothe your heart listen to tagore songs listen to classical music it is hearing same thing instrument is the hearing but it can have effect in your mind in this way or that way how much could even Brahma understood of the Supreme Being even after struggling for a thousand Divine years which is intelligence that was perfected by the practice of concentration and meditation how much could even Brahma understood when Brahma the Creator God he's saying how much Brahma could understand so what about us Brahma cannot understand the purpose of this creation and what are we what is the question of we fools in the world no even after struggling for thousand Divine years which is Intel in Brahma even with this struggling for a thousand Divine years Divine years debonairs means our one year is one day for the four fathers or maybe one year of the forefathers maybe one day for the deity around thousands of years maybe one day for Brahma as you go higher their range of existence is longer which is unintelligence that was performed by the practice of the concentration of meditation the mysterious power of Maya of the Lord stupefies the mind of even the greatest joys my eyes as it will bring argument why not this this is also God that is also God yes that is God this is God and a pure state of mind so let us reach that first pure State of Mind what is the pure State of Mind in that pure State you cannot look the world in the way as we are now looking good bad and all the non-nasty nonsense in the world all the time thinking thinking you become monastic you become polluted in your mind so purified mind means thinking of holy thinking of powerful positive power positive thinking no Baba now it is cold morning was hot and I report it to our Atma vidhan also and he made it to school but he's happy see this will give joy to some people and this will give trouble to us what can be done they see the World created like that therefore this is Maya therefore take a warm jacket if you are really feeling cold and if you really feeling good put a pen and enjoy and think of God so the mysterious power on Maya of the Lord stupefies stupid voice God the mind of even the greatest yogis the extent of power of His yoga Maya cannot be determined even by God himself how then could others can do that therefore salutation to the Lord from whom word along with the Mind fall back unable to comprehend whom even the deity is presiding over the categories cannot understand this is 39 verse beautiful does not come back speech and mind cannot try to reach it but fail to imagine come back a failure as a failure that therefore I salute even the deity is presiding over the categories cannot understand therefore salutation to the Lord from with the words along with the Mind fall back unable to comprehend whom even deity is presiding over the categories cannot understand so in this is the end of the chapter sixth chapter I will read next day chapter 7. uh this is the secondary creation talking about the functioning of the Divine Maya we have said one Maya another Maya is the Divine Maya this Maya has deluded us and divine my eye will be there which can release us so it can make us free that Maya is the yoga Maya okay um [Music] so here he end our bhagavat reading next day we will read the only the chapter 7 book number three so the book is an always don't think that this book will be always so easy bhakti is easy sometimes it is very complicated so whenever creation comes it is complicated when you go go to God it is very simple God is very simple but when you talk to look at this world you will be mesmerized very difficult to understand why it is happening why that is in this world of good why so much uh dishonesty why so much corruption wise so much anger frustration and destruction what is going on why they don't know any meaning of it they say think of God that's the only purpose okay well tell me what happened yesterday I saw some fighting very bad Drive and so I smoked my car and I tried to talk because I didn't get out of the car because two young men they had me fighting and I try to say don't calm down calm down nobody would listen to me of course the next thing I know that one picked up at all Gleason started whipping the guy I would be so sick so I called 9-1-1 kept on tinkering and asking stupid questions and I said that listen you know I am trying to prevent a crime and here you are dinkering around not doing anything three times I told you the location three times I told you the description of the people involved and he was still lingering around and she would want to give your name and number as you have it my call came to you it's not documented what where you're getting all from and um you know I don't have anything to do so they are not also like spoiler in the guy that was getting weird you know it could happen you know somebody that I care for love although he was restrained it's really cool yeah but how can we explain why it is happening and how can you stop it so yeah that's why they it's very live in the world of Duality is really they're not so easy therefore how many things are going on which is not proper and and there is no justice the people who need Justice they are not treated well those who have money are mean those were strength in their physical muscle or mental muscle or intellectual muscle money muscle and or a political party muscles they get all these things done this is that's why that's why the the spiritual people pay attention to his own spiritual goal you can you try it you could not do anything there you tried to call 9-1-1 as you said and they would have come and done something it didn't happen rather you are in trouble why it is happening why are you doing of course they have maybe their duties also to verify whether they are always called get called hundred times a day how many places they can go depending on emergency but it is happening true but you are honestly wanted to help but it didn't happen now since God is full of bliss the question the God God is a full of bliss already and hence never bored then why did this he create this world the Lila argument so somehow does not make sense to me yes you are if you think that it is all Brahman therefore this Hall this play is going on better to say it is Mitha it is standing if Lila's Theory does not satisfy you or make any sense it is God's play to take God's play two people are fighting and one is beating the other person helplessly is being beaten his Lord's play Lord is playing with Lord really difficult to understand okay then you say I'm saying this is the play of the world and it's happening in my mind whatever satisfies you take that attitude not that Lila theory is with only Theory to be accepted but you can take the other theory that it is all appearance very difficult to be in the realistic life to eat sleep and breathe and to take this philosophies that's why people say I don't understand some people say I don't understand the play of this world why this world why it came what is the purpose what is the meaning purpose is to get us disgusted disgusted with whatever we see around sometimes it is a little hopeful and then we forget every other negative experiences we had in our life and then we are happy for few moments few days and then again another blow comes and is oh my God what is this again then I try to find out get out of it so that is the thing going on in this creation and we are helpless there we cannot do anything so yes if your little argument sometimes does not make any sense to me that's true because how to ramakrishna State you go then he can understand it is ramakrishna is the Leela because he sees that Oneness yeah in the theater theatrical performance that's the best example in all the movies what we see people are killed brutally killed and this and that it is a very violent sense we see that people are being treated and killed and butchered and like that is it happening really is it really someone one one of the only demand is being killed like that no that to create a fake appearance like that it is our day-to-day experience no you go to see any movie it is real or it is fake it is fake imagination playwright has written a screen play and the screenplay is acted by some 10 20 people 300 people they are paid for that there's a job they are given they have been job to fall down stand guys a stunned man they're paid thousands of dollars to see that you are penetrating the kind of wall a glass wall and just you're done there so it is is it really [Music] will you say it is Lila Lila means to play is it play or is real in movie all the movies you see are they real or the play it is play a real tell me you see when you see it is real but it is all play in the background so if that [Music] people walking on the grass see so now for ramakrishna his mind is in such a consciousness it's Universal Consciousness so he feels himself if someone touches me I feel so if I can I extend my identity that happens no mother and the child if this child is tortured in front of mother mother will give her life for protection of the child why they are not touching you they are touching the baby why are you getting at a reactionary because I in highness extends so ramakrishna's highness has extended everywhere that in that particular mood then the grass and he are not separate the boat man and his body is not separate so these are the another level but in our level how can we reconcile you cannot but there are also this way we can think that the world goes on all the movie industry we are world is so much lack of food shelter this that a TV industry or the that industry of a movie industry how much is the budget you add all the budget of the entire world's TV or movie Industries budget of a year how much is that but it is for fun and it is it is all created which is not there it is all created of object and people like this fake things and get joy excitement out of that so this who God if there's go whole world is his if he hasn't created such way it is possible but I need not have to judge I don't understand from our level it hurts us it does so therefore think of God and when the mind will be pure God will let us understand so tomorrow today we'll see you at 7 30 PM in our Gita Shanti Gita class the Song of Peace